Jerusalem Mediterranean Chef’s Table
Recipes Kosher Consumers and the Kashrut Process

Kosher Consumers and the Kashrut Process

Consumers who buy kosher meat are not always directly in contact with those who prepare them. This leaves people wondering if what they’re consuming is genuinely kosher. You see, butchers has a crucial part in the process called kashrut. They are responsible for following many laws in relation to maintaining the integrity of the meat which is about to be consumed. If such a butcher fails to adhere to the kashrut process, they are risking their business.

Glatt Kosher

Glatt is another category in itself. This simply means that they have been examined thoroughly, and it has determined that the meat is free of flaws inside the lungs. In actuality, kosher is when bits of imperfections are found but they are acceptable to consume.

Do it Yourself

Butchers are not the only ones permissible to kosher meat. Anyone can do it as long as they know the process of kashrut. One thing to keep in mind is that butchers must inform their customers regarding the time that the animal was slaughtered. This way, the meat is koshered within a 72-hour time frame.

When Buying Meat at the Grocery Store

In grocery stores, a simply sign of “Basar Kasher” does not always mean that the manufacturers adhered to the kashrut process. In many cases, non-kosher meat can also be mixed up with those that are actually koshered. For consumers, it is advisable to always check the company reviews for their credibility.

Let’s take chicken as an example. Chicken with a metal tag on its wings indicates the supplier’s name. This is significant to consumers because it is a sign that the meat has been koshered under careful supervision. In the event that the meat has been chopped into pieces, it is stored in a bag and the plumba is add on it.

4825 W Flamingo Rd Suite 10
Las Vegas, NV 89103

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 702.341.5555

SSun-Thu 11:00am–11:00pm
Fri – 9:00am–3:00pm
Sat – Private events only